India, known to be a country of festivals, holds number of myths and significances supporting these celebrations. Each festival is a result of many traditional legends and myths. The most prevailing message is to remind the importance of goodness over evil, which is the essence of almost all the festivals celebrated.
Dussehra or Vijayadashmi culminates as the tenth day of Navratri and is celebrated to mark the victory of Lord Rama over demon Ravana as well as the killing of Mahishasur by Goddess Durga. A lot of other mythological tales are also associated with this day. But what lies in the heart of each one of them is the same moral of virtue. This virtue is the core of our culture and that’s why we never leave even a single occasion to celebrate its importance. Dussehra is one of these occasions when we come together to burn down Ravana, the embodiment of evil and celebrate the eternal triumph of Lord Rama, the symbol of goodness.
Dussehra comes with the hope to ensure the success in every endeavor that we partake in. This festival inspires us to adopt the characteristics of Lord Rama in our life and reminds us to defeat all that is negative in our life. We all adore and glorify Lord Rama for his ideal personality and virtues that any individual would seek to inspire. He personifies as a basically human but exemplary figure, epitome of goodness and purity.
In this big world we are continuously making efforts to mark our success. But we certainly forget that the success which we are striving to get from the outer world actually lies inside us. The war of achieving that eternal victory actually starts from within, when we start defeating the defects we have. These unknown flaws of our personality comes out every by and then, sometimes in guise of our working style and sometimes in our personal approach towards life. But when we start defeating these flaws we undoubtedly start driving towards the victorious life ahead. Then we will be able to celebrate this festival in real sense.
Happy Dussehra