Tag Archives: corporate film making

The Winning Edge of Audio-Visual Films

AV films are fast becoming an integral part of corporate culture as the most effective and useful tool to express ideas. Power point presentations are still doing the rounds in business meetings. However, AV films are considered a better option.

Corporate films are more useful in promoting products and business. Corporate, product-centric and specific need based films have many advantages, like:

Advantages of Audio-Visual Films
 More effective and meaningful expression of ideas.
 Attractive and entertaining (not boring).
 Visual images create lasting impression in the minds of viewers than conventional presentations which are more speech-oriented and the viewers get bored quickly.
 Better time management. Unlike other presentations, film takes much lesser time. Saves precious time of the target audience as well as the presenter.

A business prospect will be more impressed if a short film on the company and products are shown than hours of exhausting presentation, speech and discussion. Similarly, to create awareness about the company and promote products and services films can be the better option. Not only as sales and marketing tool, films can also help promote brand value and brand equity.

Go digital” is the new buzzword. Corporates, small and big, all are resorting to the digital platform to advertise, promote and sell products and services. Not only corporate, social organizations and even individuals are active on the digital arena. A well produced short film, if effectively projected on the digital space, can elicit a tsunami of business proposals and brand promotion.

The digital space knows no geographical boundaries and has vast potential. Digital is the most effective, innovative and infinite medium to advertise and promote products/services as well as building brand and corporate image. Social media is one of the most popular tributaries of the digital world. An audio-visual representation on social media can gain unimaginable mileages of promotional advantages.

Customer testimonials in the form of written statement are passé. Now the trend is “speaking customer testimonials”. Customers testifying live as part of an AV film about their expectations and experience on the products and services can have high degree of positive influence amongst potential customers. Films are equally effective in sharing about a past/present/future event, initiative, scheme, project etc. Films on corporate social responsibility of can enhance image of the organization.

All said and done, production of the AV film is the key. The task should be entrusted to expert agencies with experience in the field. The film should be made with precision and finesse that it becomes an audio-visual treat for the target audience. Also ensure perfect blend of audio-visual effects and images with befitting voice-over.

Yes, with AV films, its advantages all the way.