World Environment Day (5 June, 2017)


World Environment day is being celebrated on Monday, 5 June, 2017. Being a prominent event management company in Central India, we take this opportunity to suggest how can the environment be protected while managing the events.

Waste Management


One of the biggest concerns happens to be the excessive litter and waste at the site, normally noticed at the end of the event. Possibly here the nationality and culture matters. Giving an example from the Japanese here may not be out of context.

Japanese did not win the match against Greece in 2014 World Cup Football but won the hearts of the millions when an army of 15000 cleaned up the entire stadium, including the washrooms after the match was over. It turns out that Japanese football fans have a tradition of cleaning up the stadium after matches at home, a practice which the fans vigorously Undertook in Brazil. May be we should take a leaf out of the Japanese book.

Special care needs to be taken if the event is held near a water course or animal sanctuary.

Energy Management

Consumption of energy is a drain on the environment and such consumption in an event cannot be wished away. Energy is bound to be consumed while the preparations for the event are being made and the construction on site is on. Also while the event is being run and when the spectators are traveling. If the event is conducted for more than single day, visitors may stay in nearby overnight accommodation, and so will need to travel to and fro between their accommodation and the event site. In fact, it may help if centralized buses are made available for the spectators rather than their coming down individually. 

Food and Drink

Another aspect to consider here is the type of food and drinks being arranged for the event. Organizers of some of the events go overboard to please and get exclusive food or drink items from outside. This consumes fuel for transporting which should be avoided. As far as feasible, local food and drink items should be arranged to soften effect on environment. This will help local economy as well. 

And, most important, wastage of food and drinks must be avoided at all costs.

By all means, associate with best event management companies, corporate event planners but lay down the ground rules and make sure that such events do not burn a hole in your pockets or even do not damage the environment. Better, associate with us, have a grand successful event; we will help you ensure that there is minimum detrimental impact on the environment. Let us reciprocate to Mother Nature who gives us so much without charging for it.